Hungry Hungry Hippo

We have our own little oracle.

Or perhaps a K-9 meteorologist?

We can usually tell if ugly weather is on its way due to the way Kilroy behaves the day before.  If he’s mopey and without an appetite, chances are the weather conditions over the next few days are going to be somehow undesirable for a greyhound (too hot, too cold, too humid, too wet, too…anything).

Iphoto (28).JPGf he’s a perky, “hungry hungry hippo,” the weather is going to be lovely!

Following the snow storm, Kilroy has been a happy greyhound.  His appetite picked up (to the point of scavenging for old/dropped kibble on the rugs). Incoincidentally, the clouds have passed and it’s been sunny all weekend.  In fact, it was 60 degrees today (prime greyhound weather!).

Green spots are still a little hard to come by, as snow is still melting.  And it’s a bit strange to see Kilroy coatless and panting as we navigate islands of snow.

But Kilroy is lovin’ being able to go on real walkies after a week of un-greyhound-friendly conditions (as am I!).


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